Zebrafish and Mice in 3D with High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy
High-Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) for 2D/3D for Imaging Zebrafish and Mice
High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) has been used to capture mouse and zebrafish matter. OHREM instruments produce large high quality, high throughput stacks with no need for sample clearing or distortion to the block.
This microscopy technique allows for imaging both zebrafish and mice in full 3D, combined with whole 2D images for analysis.
Examples of HREM applications in Zebrafish and Mice
HREM can be used for a variety of scenarios within mice and zebrafish such as:
Knockout trials of whole mice pups and embryos. Optical HREM can image whole mice as part of a large knockout trial.
Cardiovascular imaging of mice and zebrafish. Visualise whole hearts from mice and zebrafish in 2D and 3D.
Imaging Brain matter of mice and zebrafish. Whole brains can be imaged in 3D.
Whole mouse organ imaging. HREM has been used to image adult mouse kidney and more.
Advantages for using HREM for imaging mice and zebrafish
HREM technique provides 1–6-micron voxel size resolution, which allows for detail beyond other 3D technology.
Sample sizes from under 1mm up to 25mm, more if requested allowing for imaging a whole range of mice and zebrafish samples.
No clearing, HREM does not require clearing of samples for the images to be produced.
The result of the instrument is crisp high contrast morphological images showing full structures.
3D Mouse Embryo and Mouse Pups in Full
Optical HREM systems are often used to capture full morphological data in 3D of mouse embryo and mouse pup samples. The technique High-Resolution Episcopic Microscopy allows for high contrast images with huge amounts of detail even within denser parts of the sample.
More Info on HREM for Imaging Mice and Zebrafish.
For more information or a quote use contact us.
Browse the dedicated HREM page.
Gallery of Zebrafish and Mice Models
Here are some example captures from the Optical HREM systems, from us and our customers. They show zebrafish, mice, and individual organs.