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Academic Publications

Feb 23, 2021

Multi-fluorescence high-resolution episcopic microscopy (MF-HREM) for three dimensional imaging of adult murine organs.

Claire Walsh, Natalie Holroyd, Eoin Finnerty, Sean G. Ryan, Paul W. Sweeney, Rebecca J. Shipley, Simon Walker-Samuel

Nov 1, 2019

High‐resolution episcopic microscopy enables three‐dimensional visualization of plant morphology and development

Yuval Cinnamon, Olga Genin, Yiftah Yitzhak, Joseph Riov, Israel David, Felix Shaya, Anat Izhaki

Dec 1, 2017

Cellular and morphological characterization of blastoderms from freshly laid broiler eggs.

Pokhrel, N., E. Ben-Tal Cohen, O. Genin, D. Sela-Donenfeld and Y. Cinnamon

Nov 28, 2017

A predictive model of asymmetric morphogenesis from 3D reconstructions of mouse heart looping dynamics.

Le Garrec, J.F., J.N. Dominguez, A. Desgrange, K.D. Ivanovitch, E. Raphael, J.A. Bangham, M. Torres, E. Coen, T.J. Mohun, and S.M. Meilhac

Oct 23, 2017

Morphology, topology and dimensions of the heart and arteries of genetically normal and mutant mouse embryos at stages S21-S23.

Geyer, S.H., L.F. Reissig, M. Husemann, C. Hofle, R. Wilson, F. Prin, D. Szumska, A. Galli, D.J. Adams, J. White, T.J. Mohun, and W.J. Weninger

Jul 27, 2017

The independence of the infundibular building blocks in the setting of double-outlet right ventricle.

Aiello, V.D., D.E. Spicer, R.H. Anderson, N.A. Brown and T.J. Mohun

Jul 7, 2017

High-resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) - Simple and Robust Protocols for Processing and Visualizing Organic Materials.

Geyer, S.H., B. Maurer-Gesek, L.F. Reissig and W.J. Weninger

Jun 15, 2017

Key Questions Relating to Left Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy: Is the Emperor Still Wearing Any Clothes?

Anderson, R.H., B. Jensen, T.J. Mohun, S.E. Petersen, N. Aung, F. Zemrak, R.N. Planken, and D.H. MacIver

May 23, 2017

A staging system for correct phenotype interpretation of mouse embryos harvested on embryonic day 14 (E14.5).

Geyer, S.H., L. Reissig, J. Rose, R. Wilson, F. Prin, D. Szumska, R. Ramirez-Solis, C. Tudor, J. White, T.J. Mohun, and W.J. Weninger

Feb 27, 2017

Highly variable penetrance of abnormal phenotypes in embryonic lethal knockout mice.

Wilson, R., S.H. Geyer, L. Reissig, J. Rose, D. Szumska, E. Hardman, F. Prin, C. McGuire, R. Ramirez-Solis, J. White, A. Galli, C. Tudor, E. Tuck, C. Mazzeo, J.C. Smith, E. Robertson, D.J. Adams, T. Mohun, and W.J. Weninger

Jan 24, 2017

Temporally Distinct Six2-Positive Second Heart Field Progenitors Regulate Mammalian Heart

Zhou, Z., J. Wang, C. Guo, W. Chang, J. Zhuang, P. Zhu, and X. Li

Dec 23, 2016

ASPP2 deficiency causes features of 1q41q42 microdeletion syndrome.

Zak, J., V. Vives, D. Szumska, A. Vernet, J.E. Schneider, P. Miller, E.A. Slee, S. Joss, Y. Lacassie, E. Chen, L.F. Escobar, M. Tucker, A.S. Aylsworth, H.A. Dubbs, A.T. Collins, J. Andrieux, A. Dieux-Coeslier, E. Haberlandt, D. Kotzot, D.A. Scott, M.J. Parker, Z. Zakaria, Y.S. Choy, D. Wieczorek, A.M. Innes, K.R. Jun, S. Zinner, F. Prin, C.A. Lygate, P. Pretorius, J.A. Rosenfeld, T.J. Mohun, and X. Lu

Sep 22, 2016

High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes.

Dickinson, M.E., A.M. Flenniken, X. Ji, L. Teboul, M.D. Wong, J.K. White, T.F. Meehan, W.J. Weninger, H. Westerberg, H. Adissu, C.N. Baker, L. Bower, J.M. Brown, L.B. Caddle, F. Chiani, D. Clary, J. Cleak, M.J. Daly, J.M. Denegre, B. Doe, M.E. Dolan, S.M. Edie, H. Fuchs, V. Gailus-Durner, A. Galli, A. Gambadoro, J. Gallegos, S. Guo, N.R. Horner, C.W. Hsu, S.J. Johnson, S. Kalaga, L.C. Keith, L. Lanoue, T.N. Lawson, M. Lek, M. Mark, S. Marschall, J. Mason, M.L. McElwee, S. Newbigging, L.M. Nutter, K.A. Peterson, R. Ramirez-Solis, D.J. Rowland, E. Ryder, K.E. Samocha, J.R. Seavitt, M. Selloum, Z. Szoke-Kovacs, M. Tamura, A.G. Trainor, I. Tudose, S. Wakana, J. Warren, O. Wendling, D.B. West, L. Wong, A. Yoshiki, C. International Mouse Phenotyping, L. Jackson, I.C.d.l.S. Infrastructure Nationale Phenomin, L. Charles River, M.R.C. Harwell, P. Toronto Centre for, I. Wellcome Trust Sanger, R.B. Center, D.G. MacArthur, G.P. Tocchini-Valentini, X. Gao, P. Flicek, A. Bradley, W.C. Skarnes, M.J. Justice, H.E. Parkinson, M. Moore, S. Wells, R.E. Braun, K.L. Svenson, M.H. de Angelis, Y. Herault, T. Mohun, A.M. Mallon, R.M. Henkelman, S.D. Brown, D.J. Adams, K.C. Lloyd, C. McKerlie, A.L. Beaudet, M. Bucan, and S.A. Murray

Sep 7, 2016

Insights regarding the normal and abnormal formation of the atrial and ventricular septal structures.

Anderson, R.H., N.A. Brown and T.J. Mohun

Sep 7, 2016

Development and Morphology of the Ventricular Outflow Tracts.

Anderson, R.H., S. Mori, D.E. Spicer, N.A. Brown and T.J. Mohun

Aug 22, 2016

Morphogenesis of myocardial trabeculae in the mouse embryo.

Captur, G., R. Wilson, M.F. Bennett, G. Luxan, A. Nasis, J.L. de la Pompa, J.C. Moon, and T.J. Mohun

May 18, 2016

Comparing homologous microscopic sections from multiple embryos using HREM.

Henkelman, R.M., M. Friedel, J.P. Lerch, R. Wilson and T. Mohun

Jan 14, 2016

Genetic dissection of Down syndrome- associated congenital heart defects using a new mouse mapping panel.

Lana-Elola, E., S. Watson-Scales, A. Slender, D. Gibbins, A. Martineau, C. Douglas, T. Mohun, E.M. Fisher, and V. Tybulewicz

Jan 1, 2016

Clarification of mammalian cloacal morphogenesis using high-resolution episcopic microscopy.

Huang, Y.C., F. Chen and X. Li

Nov 25, 2015

The anatomy and development of normal and abnormal coronary arteries.

Spicer, D.E., D.J. Henderson, B. Chaudhry, T.J. Mohun and R.H. Anderson

Apr 25, 2015

Clarifying the morphology of the ostium primum defect.

Anderson, R.H., T.J. Mohun and N.A. Brown

Apr 15, 2015

Postmortem high-resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM) of small human fetal hearts.

Matsui, H., S.Y. Ho, T.J. Mohun and H.M. Gardiner

Feb 17, 2015

iASPP, a previously unidentified regulator of desmosomes, prevents arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)-induced sudden death.

Notari, M., Y. Hu, G. Sutendra, Z. Dedeic, M. Lu, L. Dupays, A. Yavari, C.A. Carr, S. Zhong, A. Opel, A. Tinker, K. Clarke, H. Watkins, D.J. Ferguson, D.P. Kelsell, S. de Noronha, M.N. Sheppard, M. Hollinshead, T.J. Mohun, and X. Lu

Jan 25, 2015

The problems that exist when considering the anatomic variability between the channels that permit interventricular shunting.

ailliard, F., D.E. Spicer, T.J. Mohun, G.W. Henry and R.H. Anderson

Dec 24, 2014

The anatomy and development of the cardiac valves.

Spicer, D.E., J.M. Bridgeman, N.A. Brown, T.J. Mohun and R.H. Anderson

Dec 1, 2014

FGF10 promotes regional foetal cardiomyocyte proliferation and adult cardiomyocyte cell-cycle re-entry.

Rochais, F., R. Sturny, C.M. Chao, K. Mesbah, M. Bennett, T.J. Mohun, S. Bellusci, and R.G. Kelly

Oct 20, 2014

High-resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM): a tool for visualizing skin biopsies.

Geyer, S.H., M.M. Nohammer, M. Matha, L. Reissig, I.E. Tinhofer, and W.J. Weninger

Oct 10, 2014

Tbx1 coordinates addition of posterior second heart field progenitor cells to the arterial and venous poles of the heart.

Rana, M.S., M. Theveniau-Ruissy, C. De Bono, K. Mesbah, A. Francou, M. Rammah, J.N. Dominguez, M. Roux, B. Laforest, R.H. Anderson, T. Mohun, S. Zaffran, V.M. Christoffels, and R.G. Kelly

Oct 7, 2014

Phenotyping structural abnormalities in mouse embryos using high-resolution episcopic microscopy.

Weninger, W.J., S.H. Geyer, A. Martineau, A. Galli, D.J. Adams, R. Wilson, and T.J. Mohun,

Aug 29, 2014

The development of septation in the four-chambered heart.

Anderson, R.H., D.E. Spicer, N.A. Brown and T.J. Mohun

Jul 1, 2014

What is aortic overriding?

Anderson, R.H., D.E. Spicer, G.W. Henry, C. Rigsby, A.M. Hlavacek, and T.J. Mohun

May 13, 2014

Cor triatriatum or divided atriums: which approach provides the better understanding?

Bharucha, T., D.E. Spicer, T.J. Mohun, D. Black, G.W. Henry, and R.H. Anderson

Apr 5, 2014

Abnormal cardiac formation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: fractal analysis of trabeculae and preclinical gene expression.

aptur, G., L.R. Lopes, V. Patel, C. Li, P. Bassett, P. Syrris, D.M. Sado, V. Maestrini, T.J. Mohun, W.J. McKenna, V. Muthurangu, P.M. Elliott, and J.C. Moon

Dec 29, 2013

A coming of age: advanced imaging technologies for characterising the developing mouse.

Norris, F.C., M.D. Wong, N.D. Greene, P.J. Scambler, T. Weaver, W.J. Weninger, T.J. Mohun, R.M. Henkelman, and M.F. Lythgoe

Dec 23, 2013

Tetralogy of Fallot: nosological, morphological, and morphogenetic considerations.

Anderson, R.H., D.E. Spicer, J.M. Giroud and T.J. Mohun

Sep 11, 2013

Hypoxic regulation of hand1 controls the fetal-neonatal switch in cardiac metabolism.

Breckenridge, R.A., I. Piotrowska, K.E. Ng, T.J. Ragan, J.A. West, S. Kotecha, N. Towers, M. Bennett, P.C. Kienesberger, R.T. Smolenski, H.K. Siddall, J.L. Offer, M.M. Mocanu, D.M. Yelon, J.R. Dyck, J.L. Griffin, A.Y. Abramov, A.P. Gould, and T.J. Mohun

Jun 13, 2013

A chick embryo with a yet unclassified type of cephalothoracopagus malformation and a hypothesis for explaining its genesis.

Maurer, B., S.H. Geyer and W.J. Weninger

May 10, 2013

Quantification of left ventricular trabeculae using fractal analysis.

Captur, G., V. Muthurangu, C. Cook, A.S. Flett, R. Wilson, A. Barison, D.M. Sado, S. Anderson, W.J. McKenna, T.J. Mohun, P.M. Elliott, and J.C. Moon

Apr 6, 2013

Insights from cardiac development relevant to congenital defects and adult clinical anatomy.

Anderson, R.H., N.A. Brown, T.J. Mohun and A.F. Moorman

Mar 26, 2013

Clarification of the identity of the mammalian fifth pharyngeal arch artery.

Bamforth, S.D., B. Chaudhry, M. Bennett, R. Wilson, T.J. Mohun, L.H. Van Mierop, D.J. Henderson, and R.H. Anderson

Feb 26, 2013

Defects in the oval fossa: morphologic variations and impact on transcatheter closure.

Vettukattil, J.J., Z. Ahmed, A.P. Salmon, T. Mohun and R.H. Anderson

Oct 26, 2012

Lineage tree for the venous pole of the heart: clonal analysis clarifies controversial genealogy based on genetic tracing.

Lescroart, F., T. Mohun, S.M. Meilhac, M. Bennett and M. Buckingham

Jul 2, 2012

Normal and abnormal development of the intrapericardial arterial trunks in humans and mice.

Anderson, R.H., B. Chaudhry, T.J. Mohun, S.D. Bamforth, D. Hoyland, H.M. Phillips, S. Webb, A.F. Moorman, N.A. Brown, and D.J. Henderson

Jun 12, 2012

Episcopic three-dimensional imaging of embryos.

Mohun, T.J. and W.J. Weninger

Jun 1, 2012

Generation of volume data by episcopic three- dimensional imaging of embryos.

Mohun, T.J. and W.J. Weninger

Jun 1, 2012

Embedding embryos for episcopic fluorescence image capturing (EFIC).

Mohun, T.J. and W.J. Weninger

Feb 15, 2012

Comparison of ex-vivo high-resolution episcopic microscopy with in-vivo four-dimensional high- resolution transvaginal sonography of the first-trimester fetal heart.

Gindes, L., H. Matsui, R. Achiron, T. Mohun, S.Y. Ho, and H. Gardiner,

Oct 21, 2011

Imaging heart development using high-resolution episcopic microscopy.

Mohun, T.J. and W.J. Weninger

Three-dimensional and molecular analysis of the arterial pole of the developing human heart.

Sizarov, A., W.H. Lamers, T.J. Mohun, N.A. Brown, R.H. Anderson, and A.F. Moorman

Sequential Binding of MEIS1 and NKX2-5 on the Popdc2 Gene: A Mechanism for Spatiotemporal Regulation of Enhancers during Cardiogenesis.

Dupays, L., C. Shang, R. Wilson, S. Kotecha, S. Wood, N. Towers, and T. Mohun

High-resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM): a useful technique for research in wound care.

Geyer, S.H., I.E. Tinhofer, D.B. Lumenta, L.P. Kamolz, L. Branski, C.C. Finnerty, D.N. Herndon, and W.J. Weninger

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