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Microscopes and Microscopy Techniques
A range of microscope and microscopy techniques for imaging and analysis including:
Inverted and Upright microscopes
High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy for 3D data
Zoom microscopes
Stereo microscopes
LED Light sources
Zeiss Microscopes
Zeiss microscopes for a variation of microscopy applications from fluorescence microscopy, inverted microscope for cell culture and standard light microscope. With all major categories:
Inverted Microscopes
Upright Microscopes
Stereo Microscopes
Zoom Microscopes
Inverted Microscopes
High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM)
High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) for imaging tissue and bone down to 1 micron resolution in 3D. Designed and manufactured by Indigo Scientific.
Stereo Microscopes
Microscope Illumination
Microscope Illumination for fluorescence and white light, LED controllable light sources with a variety of options.
Upright Microscopes
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