Okolab microscope incubator with all panels removed and accessories

Okolab microscope incubator with panels off

Okolab microscope incubator with polycarbonate panels

Okolab microscope incubator with all panels removed and accessories
Microscope Cage Incubator
Cage incubator for complete enclosing of a microscope for temperature, gas, humidity control.
Full Description
Okolab cage incubator enclosue any microscope within a polycarbonate structure for environmental control. These enclosures ensure the entire microscope, aside from the sensitive electronics and heat/humidity, is profiled and contains the environment provided.
This microscope incubation chambers can be fitted with CO2/O2 gas supply, humidity modules and temperature regulation up to 45 degrees Celsius. This allows imaging of live cells with the most demanding of environment needs.
Okolab microscope enclosures are designed to fit almost any major microscope profile and can be adjusted to fit XY and piezo inserts.
Categories: Okolab Live Cell Incubation, Okolab Products
A Temperature range of 3°C above ambient to 45°C at an accuracy of 0.1°C.
TTL Signal compatiability can be implemented on request
Okolab incubators can be configured for almost all microscopes on the market.
Sliding doors on front of the microscope incubation chamber and side panels for full and easy microscope access.
Removable front panel with turn-to-open hinges.
Black panels can be added any time after purchase for imaging in a dark environment.
LED light with foot pedal and dimmer for internal illumination.
Available for any XY stage and Piezo insert.
Gas Controllers (CO2 and/or O2): Digital or manual gas control.
Vibration-Free Humidity Module or Active Humidity Controller.
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