Onyx Lite Viewer
Visualise colour spectral files in a lightweight, easy to use software tool. This tool can visualise:
.onyxdat – Onyx data files containing a single spectra
.onyxcomp – Multiple onyx data files presented in a comparison chart
.onyx – With a simple conversion into .onyxdat, older onyx files can be observed without the need for extra software
Pan and zoom the spectra like an image, switch between spectra view, first derivative view and modified spectra view. The viewer loads onyxdat and onyxcomp files as they were saved in the original Onyx software, ensuring the end user sees the exact same data as captured.
This 2D graph viewer allows for visualisation for colour measurements along the wavelengths in absorbance, intensity/counts, transmission and emission. Although designed for use with spectral colour work such as fibres in forensics this application can also be used in other applications. If you wish to request a feature contact us.
For more information on spectral microscopy with J&M spectrometers click here.